A woman in Jakarta, Indonesia has delivered a 19.2-pound, 2-foot-long baby on Monday via Caesarean section. Read more on this story below!
The huge baby is said to have a cry that sounds more like a roar and a huge appetite!
The baby sets the birth weight record for a newborn in Indonesia, although it’s shy of the world record of 23 pounds set in 1879. The huge size of the baby was likely caused by his mother having gestational diabetes.
The baby’s mother named Ani thankfully didn’t have to push the gigantic baby out… can you imagine? But the c-section to deliver the child was still difficult.
“This heavy baby made the surgery really tough, especially the process of taking him out of his mum’s womb,” Dr. Binsar Sitanggang told Agence France-Presse. “His legs were so big.”
The 19 pound baby’s weight is closer to that of a one year old toddler. And in the photo taken beside a baby of normal weight at birth, he appears to be triple his size.
The huge baby boy wants to eat constantly. “He’s got a strong appetite, it’s almost nonstop feeding,” Dr. Sitanggang told the news agency.
“This baby boy is extraordinary; the way he’s crying is not like a usual baby. It’s really loud.”
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